So I began testing with 1 battery and after taking some video, measuring floor tiles and doing some math, we were able to figure out the speed of 1 battery to be about 7.7 MPH. I have recently started testing with 2 batteries in series, and the speed as increased by at least twice as much. There were some strength issues with the spool, but I am doing my best to address them. The problems are being caused by the sudden power and acceleration from the 2 batteries, so I need a way to more gently start the motor. I have thought to use 1 battery to start it for 3 seconds and then have the 2nd battery kick in and do the rest. This is going to require a special switch called a DPST (double pole, single throw) switch which will allow me to switch between the 1 battery and 2 battery circuits easily. I'm also going to add a toggle switch to the side so I can arm/disarm it safely.