
Julianna Richards


My despencer door project didn't start out that way. It actually started as a light up door. I eventually scrapped that Idea after realizing that having lights turn on behind you wouldn't help much if you are trying to leave in a hurry. It took me a little to come up with my new idea after that, but in my psychology class I was inspired by classical conditioning and I though to myself that giving a reward for remembering to take everything you need out of the house would be the best to to remember the items that you need. Even though my dispenser only ever made it to 1 card the idea could always be built upon. In my project I had a few obsticles in the coding of the arduino used to scan the RFID tags and run the motor as well as with the actual build of the box itself. Getting the peices of wood on the motor was the hardest part of this build and at one point I accidentally glued them down to the bottom of the box. Through all of that I got to the design that I have now which I will be looking to build upon in the future.