
Jay Moody and Eric Greene

POP-N-LOCK keeps your pills secure and safe until it is the right time to take them.  It allows users to unlock the right day of pills via their smart phones. Users connect to POP-N-LOCK via WiFi, which prompts them to use the easy-to-use touch pad. The user then uses two simple buttons on the keypad which talks to the Arduino. The Arduino is the control center of the motors -- it sends the signals to the stepper motor which rotates the gear and to the servo motor which unlocks the boxes. Once the Arduino gets the commands from your phone, the stepper and servo motors move and unlock the box. The servo arm pulls down on the back latch which unlocks the box and allows you to slide the lid off. POP-N-LOCK in the future will be WiFi-enabled so users don't have to be in range to connect to it. A woman in Massachusetts could unlock her mother's pills for that day. Also in the future, the entire box will be printed as one piece making it sturdier than it is now (printed in parts). Finally, POP-N-LOCK will have its own app which will remind the user if they didn't take their pills and will be even easier to use.