Backpack Chair

Daniel Hochberger

I started with the initial problem of wanting to go on hikes, but then when I would reach the summit of my desired mountain I would be facing the trouble of wanting to sit down but needing to settle for a tree trunk. To me this wasn't good enough I would rather have a way of bringing a chair to the summit to sit in and observe the view.

So this led to me to different ways that I could try and integrate a chair into something that would be typically brought with me on a hike. I figured that integrating a chair and a backpack would be the most realistic and achievable option.

So from there I thought about what components went in to a chair that I wanted to have with me. I wanted a form of back support that I could lean against to take some stress off of my legs. So I thought about what if i made the back pack have collapsible legs that would come out from the bottom of the bag. But then i thought that  there wasn't a practical way of storing and folding the legs. so then i adapted it to have legs that would fold out that I could lean against in order to support my back.

At this point I met up with a group of other people and got feedback on my project. I took away from that feedback that if I could find a way to make it so that I could sit on top of something instead of sitting on the ground. Thats when somebody suggested that I have a folding mat that can unfold and be sat on so that your butt doesn't get dirty.