
Artem Talibov

The Archimedes Timepiece is a clock made for a learning environment; it is made to visualize the mathematical concept of π through colorful and vivid LED-generated imagery. The clock is comprised of three main parts: the frame of the clock itself, the NeoPixels, and the Arduino microcontroller which tells the LEDs how to perform the fantastic light show. The Archimedes Timepiece, or the ATP for short, is designed for a classroom; it's made to not be something that will steal all of a students attention, but it is also not made to be ignored. The clock itself works in a simple manner; two light strips work as its hour and minute hands, and one long strip wraps around the circumference.

These LED light strips are the key feature of the ATP, and they are what present the light show visualization of π that works like this: When the hour and minute hands line up, they form approximately the diameter of the clock.  When that happens, the clock illustrates that the diameter is about ⅓ of the circumference by having the lights march from the straight hands around the perimeter of the clock three times, lining up in three different colors.  And then finally a fourth bit appears to show that it takes a little more than three times the diameter to complete the circumference. Math and geometry classrooms fitted with the ATP will see there are students interested in the device, asking what it means and how it works, leading to them having a greater understanding of π.